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The International Migration Institute (IMI) aims to promote new thinking about migration as an intrinsic part of global change and development. First established in 2006, IMI's Working Paper Series is our flagship outlet for disseminating new conceptual and methodological perspectives in migration research to the broadest possible audience. We welcome all submissions that contribute to IMI's research programme, provided they: 

  • analyse migration as part of broader global change
  • contribute new theoretical approaches to migration research
  • advance understanding of the multi-level forces driving migration

All submissions should follow the guidelines provided below. Once submitted, papers are reviewed by IMI fellows, and authors will be notified of a decision as soon as possible. For accepted papers, we may you to revise and edit the paper as necessary. Accepted papers will be proof read and lightly edited by IMI prior to publication.

We are excited to continue the tradition of this working paper series and look forward to reading your submissions.

We kindly ask you to send your submission to

Kerilyn Schewel, Senior Editor


When preparing a Working Paper for the International Migration Institute (IMI), please ensure that you follow the detailed guidelines set out below. This will considerably speed up the processing of your paper.

Page layout: Please use A4 paper with 2.54 cm margins all round. The margins should be justified and the paper written in Times New Roman (TNR) point 12, except where indicated below (headings etc.)


Page 1:

Abstract: maximum 200 words

Keywords: please include up to 8 keywords, separated by a comma

Author(s): Author(s) name(s), with institutional affiliation in parentheses

Acknowledgements: These should be at the bottom of this page, with justified margins, in italics.

Page 2:

Please include here a Table of Contents. For the main section headings, please number them 1, 2 etc. in bold. Second-level headings (1.1, 1.2 etc.) should be in italics and third-level headings (1.2.1, 1.2.2 etc.) in standard type (i.e. neither bold nor italics).

Page 3 onwards:

The main body of the text should be in Times New Roman, 12 point, justified. Please begin new paragraphs (except those following a heading) with an indent of 1.25 cms.

Headings in the body of the text should be formatted as follows, and numbered:

Level 1: TNR 12, bold

Level 2: TNR 12, italics

Level 3: TNR 12

Please ensure that you include at least 2 sub-headings within each heading, at whichever level.

  • Single quote marks should be used, with double quote marks within a quote.
  • Punctuation has to be put after the closing quote mark.
  • Quotations of longer than 50 words should be block indented by 1.25 cms from the left-hand margin, with a paragraph space both before and after. No quote marks are needed.
  • Numbers over ten should be written as figures.
  • Please use ‘per cent’ and not %
  • Tables and figures should be in separate files with their place in the text indicated [TABLE 1 NEAR HERE].
  • Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and set at the foot of the page.


References should be in the following forms:

In the text: ‘Jones and Smith (2011) stated that…’  or ‘others researchers (Jones and Smith 2011) stated that…’. If using a direct quotation, include the page number(s), i.e. Jones and Smith (2011, 37)…

For three authors, spell them all out in the first citation. In subsequent citations, use Jones et al. 2003).

In the bibliography, please format the references as follows, indenting the second and subsequent lines by 1.25 cms:


Single-authored: Smith, J. 1980. Title in Initial Capitals. Place: Publisher.

Two or three authors: Smith, J., P. M. Brown and A. Jones. 2011. Title in Initial Capitals. Place: Publisher.

More than three authors: Smith, J., P. M. Brown and A. Jones et al. 2012. Title in Initial Capitals. Place: Publisher.

Chapter in edited book: Smith, J. 1980. 2004. “Title of Chapter with Initial Capitals”. In Title of Book in Initial Capitals, edited by P. M. Brown, 401–453. Place: Publisher.

Journal article:                    

Single-authored : Smith, J. 1982. “Title of Article in Initial Capitals.” Name of Journal in Italics with Initial Capitals Volume number(issue number): page range with numbers separated by an N-dash.

Multiple authors: Same rules as for books.

Working papers:                  

Single-authored: Smith, J. 1997. Title of Working Paper with Initial Capitals. Place: Publisher or University, Working Paper No. 6.

Multiple authors: Same rules as for books

PhD thesis: Barker, M. 2019. “Title of Thesis in Initial Capitals.” Place: University, School or Department, unpublished doctoral thesis.


Please download the template here