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The International Migration Institute gathers researchers who are committed to develop new thinking about migration and mobility across the world.
Inside Europe's refugee deal with Turkey – is it legal and can it work?
11 March 2016
Emeritus professor Robin Cohen explores the legality and practicality of the recent deal
Oliver Bakewell | Migration makes the Sustainable Development Goals agenda – time to celebrate?
11 December 2015
Now that the SDGs are finalised, and the development community has new aims to work towards, what has this flurry of activity achieved in relation to migration?
New blog from Robin Cohen reacting to recent proposals for a 'Refugee Nation' to solve global refugee crisis
31 July 2015
Contributing a guest blog to Nando Sigona's 'Postcards from...', Robin Cohen offers his reaction to recent calls for a 'Refugee Nation'
Marieke van Houte blogs about LiveFriday migration performance
28 May 2015
Marieke and Ida Persson of COMPAS write about using theatre to engage audiences in social and political issues
A conference on the Determinants of International Migration
2 February 2015
In a new blog Katharina provides a summary of the DEMIG conference 'Determinants of International Migration' that took place in Oxford from 23-25 September 2014.
Borders beyond control? | Blog by Hein de Haas
7 January 2015
A new article by Hein de Haas discusses whether borders are beyond control, as Jagdish Bhagwati famously argued in 2003. And asks what we actually know about the effects of immigration policies?
Mass-migration fears in Europe: Some facts about intra-EU mobility
22 May 2014
In a new blog post, IMI's Evelyn Ersanilli sheds some light on the facts surrounding intra-EU mobility.
Morocco: Setting the Stage for Becoming a Migration Transition Country?
20 March 2014
A new Migration Policy Institute profile by Hein de Haas.
New Latin American and Caribbean Migration Research Network - MIGRALAC
10 March 2014
MIGRALAC is a Latin American and Caribbean Migration Research Network, launched online this week.
Examining migration dynamics: Networks and beyond
4 December 2013
In a new blog Oliver Bakewell and Agnieszka Kubal provide some reflections on the THEMIS conference 'Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond' that took place in Oxford from 24-26 September 2013.
The deadly cost of tighter border controls
8 October 2013
Hein de Haas has written several blog posts about the danger of stricter border controls and the criminalisation of migration in light of the recent Lampedusa tragedy.
de Haas on the 'decline in UK immigration'
20 June 2013
In this latest blog post, IMI director Hein de Haas states that the latest government celebrations over the fall in net UK immigration has been exaggerated and signals a broader crisis
Within and beyond citizenship - Migrants trapped in legal ambiguity?
23 April 2013
The latest Debating Development blog post by Agnieszka Kubal
The feminisation of migration: Are more women migrating?
18 April 2013
The latest Debating Development blog post by Maria Villares-Varela
Aspiring to a better life in a globalised world
21 February 2013
This latest blog post by IMI's Mathias Czaika explores migration aspirations and capabilities
Migration's uncertain place post-2015
17 February 2013
An article by IMI co-director Oliver Bakewell discussing the place of migration in a post-2015 development agenda
ODID launches Debating Development blog
23 January 2013
Oxford Department of International Development launches new blog