Is there a ‘pig cycle’ in the labour supply of doctors? How training and immigration policies respond to physician shortages
Yasser Moullan and Xavier Chojnicki, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 132, 1 - 37
Social determinants of overweight amongst immigrants in Spain and France
Yasser Moullan and Paul Dourgnon, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 116
The International Migration of Doctors: Impacts and Political Implications
Yasser Moullan and Yann Bourgueil, (2014), Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé), 203
Why is the 'healthy immigrant effect' different between European countries?
Yasser Moullan and Florence Jusot , (2014), European Journal of Public Health, 24 (1), 80 - 86
A New Profile of Migrants in the Aftermath of the Recent Economic Crisis
Cansin Arslan et al, (2014), OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, 160
Can Foreign Health Assistance Reduce the Medical Brain Drain?
Yasser Moullan, (2013), Journal of Development Studies, 49 (10), 1436 - 1452