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Beyond War and Peace: The IOM and International Migration Control in Libya

Working paper

Julien Brachet, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 124, 1 - 18

Fleeting Glory in a Wasteland: Wealth, Politics and Autonomy in Northern Chad

Journal article

Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele, (2015), Comparative Studies in Society and History, 57(3), 723 - 752

L’envers du tourisme au Sahara Tchadien. Entre jeu politique national et indifférences locales

Journal article

Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele, (2015), Cahiers d’études africaines, 217, 107 - 131

Les années écroulées. Vestiges, développement et autonomie à Faya-Largeau, Tchad

Journal article

Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele, (2015), L’Homme, 2015/3 (215-216)

Crises et chuchotements au Sahel

Special journal issue

Vincent Bonnecase and Julien Brachet (eds.), (2013), Politique africaine, Special Issue, 130

Les ‘crises sahéliennes’ entre perceptions locales et gestions internationales

Journal article

Vincent Bonnecase and Julien Brachet, (2013), Politique Africaine, 130, 5 - 22

Movements of People and Goods: Local Impacts and Dynamics of Migration to and through the Central Sahara

Book chapter

Julien Brachet, (2012), Saharan Frontiers: Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa

From One Stage to the Next: Transit and Transport in (trans)Saharan Migrations

Book chapter

Julien Brachet in Mohamed Berriane and Hein de Haas (eds.), (2012), African Migrations Research: Methodologies and Methods, 91 - 114

Stuck in the Desert. Hampered Mobility among Transit Migrants in Northern Nige

Book chapter

Julien Brachet, (2012), The Challenge of the Threshold. Border Closures and Migration Movements in Africa, 73 - 88

The Blind Spot of Repression: Migration Policies and Human Survival in the Central Sahara

Book chapter

Julien Brachet in Thanh-Dam Truong and Des Gasper (eds.), (2011), Transnational Migration and Human Security. The Migration-Development-Security Nexus, 57 - 66

Des migrants en transit: sociabilités et territorialités dans le Sahara nigérien

Book chapter

Julien Brachet in Geneviève Cortès and Laurent Faret (eds.), (2009), Les circulations transnationales: Lire les turbulences migratoires contemporaines, 109 - 123

Irrégularité et clandestinité de l’immigration au Maghreb. Cas de l’Algérie et de la Libye

Book chapter

Julien Brachet in Ali Bensaâd (ed.), (2009), Le Maghreb à l'épreuve des migrations subsahariennes. Immigration sur émigration, 109 - 135

Migration Towards and Transiting Through the Central Sahara: From International to Local Patterns and Practices

Book chapter

Julien Brachet in M. Trémolière (ed.), (2009), Regional Challenges of West African Migration. African and European Perspectives, 209 - 218

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