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Based on a fieldwork of 90 in-depth interviews with return migrants and family members of current migrants in the Greater regions of Rabat and Nador in Morocco, we attempt at highlighting the interrelatedness of various and conflicting categories of the migratory trajectories in order to highlight the role of agency in the production of the migration culture, its sustainability and its alterations. We opted for the analysis of the narratives of current migrants, returnees and family members to try to capture the deep self reflection of the actors themselves on their own experiences. Our findings confirm generally our hypotheses, meaning that agency interferes and alters the migratory trajectories, regimes and cultures; second, mobility or immobility are heavily influenced by intersectional aspects where the individual, the family and other macro-level influences produce various forms of staying, moving or returning. And finally that gender is has relational dimensions with individuals and households decisions to stay, to migrate, or to return.

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Conference paper


Moroccan migrations: Transformations, transitions and future prospects

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