IMI strongly believes in the importance of open access research, and since 2006 we have produced an in-house working paper series that we make available without a paywall. Below you will find the full archive. To contribute to the series, read our submission guidelines.
IMI team members and fellows are also prolific scholars in their own right. Their words can be found in internationally recognised journals, edited volumes, standalone books, and myriad reports. We have brought together much of their work here as well. Not all is free to access through the links provided, but if you can't reach the material through your institution please contact us and we will try to help.
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IMI Working paper series
The Implications of Welfare Generosity and Welfare Access for Migration Strategies
Working paper
Martin Guzi and Lucia Mýtna Kureková, (2025), IMI Working Paper Series, 184
Mapping Global Migration Governance
Working paper
Antoine Pécoud , (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 183
Non-Migration Policies and Mobility Decisions
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell et al, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 182
Changing the Migration Narrative: On the Power of Discourse, Propaganda and Truth Distortion
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 181
The Impact of Covid-19 on NGOs’ Provision of Primary Healthcare and Its Utilisation by Irregular Migrants in Italy
Working paper
Giulia Mori, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 180
Researching the Politics of Knowledge in Migration Policy
Working paper
Katharina Natter, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 179
Researching Decisions to Stay and Migrate: A Temporal Multilevel Analysis framework
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli et al, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 178
Immigration attitudes, national identity, and development in mainland China
Working paper
Tabitha Speelman, (2023), IMI Working Paper Series, 177
Voluntary Immobility: A Global Analysis of Staying Preferences
Working paper
Alix Debray et al, (2022), IMI Working Paper Series, 176
Mobilization trajectories as a tool to study migration and protest intentions: An illustration from Morocco
Working paper
Astrid Bodini et al, (2022), 175
Migration aspirations and preferences to stay in a Brazilian frontier town: Tranquility, hope and relative endowment
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli, (2022), IMI Working Paper Series, 174, 1 - 47
Managing Migration through Detention and Information-Giving Practices: the Case of the Italian Hotspot and Relocation System
Working paper
Roberto Calarco, (2022), IMI Working Paper Series, 173, 01 - 22
A Transnational Social Contract: How the South Indian State of Kerala justifies Social Protection Policies towards Non-Resident Keralites
Working paper
Mira Burmeister-Rudolph , (2022), IMI Working Paper Series, 172, 1 - 36
Social Transformations and Migrations in Morocco
Working paper
Mohamed Berriane, Hein de Haas and Katharina Natter, (2021), IMI Working Paper Series, 171, 1 - 47
Welfare and Migration: Unfulfilled Aspirations to “Have Rights” in the South- Moroccan Todgha Valley
Working paper
Dominique Jolivet , (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 170, 1 - 28
Migration and Social Transformation in a Small Frisian Town: The Case of Bolsward, the Netherlands
Working paper
Siebert Wielstra, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 169, 1 - 34
State Expansion, Mobility and the Aspiration to Stay in Western French Guiana
Working paper
Mathis Osburg, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 168, 1 - 31
A History of Global Migration Governance: Challenging Linearity
Working paper
Elaine Lebon-McGregor, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 167, 1 - 35
Social Transformation
Working paper
Hein de Haas et al, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 166, 1 - 45
State expansion, development imaginaries and mobility in a peripheral frontier: the case of Caracaraí, Brazil
Working paper
Naiara Rodriguez-Pena , (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 165, 1 - 32
Social Transformation, Resistance and Migration in the Italian Peninsula over the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 164, 1 - 38
Drivers of migration: A synthesis of knowledge
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Constantin Reinprecht, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 163, 1 - 45
Return aspirations and coerced return: A case study on Syrian refugees in Turkey and Lebanon
Working paper
Lea Müller-Funk and Sonja Fransen , (2020), IMI Working Papers Series, 162, 1 - 31
Who aspires to stay? Immobility aspirations among youth in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam
Working paper
Kerilyn Schewel and Sonja Fransen , (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 161, 1 - 31
Using or Inducing Return Aspirations? On the role of return counsellors in the implementation of ‘assisted voluntary return’ policies in Austria and the Netherlands
Working paper
Laura Cleton and Reinhard Schweitzer, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 160, 1 - 22
Migration, Development and the Urbanization of the Good Life: Mobility Transitions in Rural Ethiopia
Working paper
Kerilyn Schewel, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 159, 1 - 48
State Expansion, Changing Aspirations and Migration: The Case of Cisternino, Southern Italy
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli, (2020), IMI Working Paper Series, 158, 1 - 43
Paradoxes of Migration and Development
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2019), IMI Working Paper Series, 157, 1 - 22
The Volume and Geography of Forced Migration
Working paper
Sonja Fransen and Hein de Haas, (2019), IMI Working Paper Series, 156, 1 - 35
Immigrants, Markets, Brokers, and States: The Politics of Illiberal Migration Governance in the Arab Gulf
Working paper
Helene Thiollet , (2019), IMI Working Paper Series, 155, 1 - 35
Adapting to staying, or imagining futures elsewhere: Migration decision-making of Syrian refugees in Turkey
Working paper
Lea Müller-Funk, (2019), IMI working paper series, 154, 1 - 41
‘Supermaids’: Hyper-resilient Subjects in Neoliberal Migration Governance
Working paper
Liberty Chee, (2019), IMI working paper series, 153, 1 - 25
Researching urban forced migrants in Turkey and Lebanon: Alternative ways to study a vulnerable population in fragile political contexts
Working paper
Lea Müller-Funk et al, (2019), IMI working paper series, 151, 1 - 46
Opening the floodgates? European migration under restrictive and liberal border regimes 1950-2010
Working paper
Hein de Haas et al, (2019), IMI working paper series, 150, 1 - 44
Money Matters: The Role of Funding in Migration Governance
Working paper
Elaine McGregor, (2019), IMI working paper series, 149, 1 - 37
Why Ethiopian women go to the Middle East: An aspiration-capability analysis of migration decision-making
Working paper
Kerilyn Schewel, (2018), IMI working paper series, 148, 1 - 25
Autocratic immigration policymaking: The illiberal paradox hypothesis
Working paper
Katharina Natter, (2018), IMI working paper series, 147, 1 - 26
The Globalisation of Scientific Mobility, 1970– 2014
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Sultan Orazbayev, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 146, 1 - 31
International Migration: Trends, determinants and policy effects
Working paper
Hein de Haas et al, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 142
Counting migrants’ deaths at the border: From civil society counter-statistics to (inter)governmental recuperation
Working paper
Charles Heller and Antoine Pécoud, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 143, 1 - 20
Immigration Policy Theory: Thinking Beyond the ‘Western Liberal-Democratic’ Box
Working paper
Katharina Natter, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 145, 1 - 34
Social transformation and migration: An empirical inquiry
Working paper
Hein de Haas and Sonja Fransen, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 141, 1 - 40
Formal Education and Migration Aspirations in Ethiopia
Working paper
Kerilyn Schewel and Sonja Fransen, (2018), IMI Working Paper Series, 144, 1 - 35
Renegotiating Religious Transnationalism: Fractures in Transnational Chinese Protestantism
Working paper
Jonathan Tam, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series 140, 1-20
Immigration policy effects – A conceptual framework
Working paper
Liv Bjerre, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 139, 1 - 28
The Geography of Anti-Immigrant Attitudes across Europe, 2002-2014
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Armando Di Lillo, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 138, 1 - 19
Hopes and fears of migrants’ contribution to political change: A Tunisian case study
Working paper
Marieke van Houte, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 137, 1 - 21
The Migration&Development Apparatus: Contradictions between international discourse, institutional practices, and migrants’ perspectives
Working paper
Laura Stielike, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 136, 1 - 24
Global migration futures: Exploring the future of international migration with a scenario methodology
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli et al, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 135, 1 - 32
The global evolution of travel visa regimes: An analysis based on the DEMIG VISA database
Working paper
Mathias Czaika, Hein de Haas and María Villares-Varela, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 134, 1 - 40
How do Syrian refugee workers challenge supply chain management in the Turkish garment industry?
Working paper
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 133, 1 - 18
Is there a ‘pig cycle’ in the labour supply of doctors? How training and immigration policies respond to physician shortages
Working paper
Yasser Moullan and Xavier Chojnicki, (2017), IMI Working Paper Series, 132, 1 - 37
Managing migrant labour in the Gulf: Transnational dynamics of migration politics since the 1930s
Working paper
Hélène Thiollet, (2016), IMI Working Paper Series, 131, 1 - 25
Transnational transformations: Coupling migration and change
Working paper
Marieke van Houte, (2016), IMI Working Paper Series, 130, 1 - 23
Triadic political opportunity structures: Re-conceptualising immigrant transnational politics
Working paper
Ali R Chaudhary and Dana M Moss, (2016), IMI Working Paper Series, 129, 1 - 29
Chiefs, migrants and the state: Mobility in the Ghana–Togo borderlands
Working paper
Nathalie Raunet, (2016), IMI Working Paper Series, 128, 1 - 24
Transnational politics and political integration among migrants in Europe
Working paper
Ali R Chaudhary, (2016), IMI Working Paper Series, 127, 1 - 22
High-skilled migration in times of global economic crisis
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Christopher Parsons, (2016), IMI Working Paper Series, 126, 1 - 31
Stateless Kurds and their multiple diaspora
Working paper
Latif Tas, (2016), IMI Working Paper Series, 125, 1 - 21
Beyond War and Peace: The IOM and International Migration Control in Libya
Working paper
Julien Brachet, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 124, 1 - 18
The role of migration and higher education policies in international academic mobility. The case of Indian researchers
Working paper
Sorana Toma and María Villares-Varela, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 123, 1 - 22
Culture seen as a commons: Osmosis, crossroads and the paradoxes of identity
Working paper
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 122, 1 - 13
Internationalisation and diversification of Indian academic careers
Working paper
Sorana Toma et al, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 121
The impact of land policies on international migration: The case of the Brasiguaios
Working paper
Marcos Estrada, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 120
Health migration policies and ethical controversies: The case of African nurses in the UK
Working paper
Angele Mendy, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 119
Institutional legacies, employment and professional integration of non-EU/EEA doctors in France
Working paper
Angele Flora Mendy, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 118
Social determinants of overweight amongst immigrants in Spain and France
Working paper
Yasser Moullan and Paul Dourgnon, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 116
The determinants of migration policies. Does the political orientation of governments matter?
Working paper
Hein de Haas and Katharina Natter, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 117
Nigerian entrepreneurs in Istanbul, Turkey: spatial and temporal dimensions of mixed embeddedness
Working paper
Theodore Baird, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 115
The gravity of high-skilled migration policies
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Christopher Parsons, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 110
Narratives of statelessness and political belonging among Kurdish diasporas in Sweden and the UK
Working paper
Barzoo Eliassi, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 114
Broadcast feedback as causal mechanisms for migration
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell and Dominique Jolivet, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 113
State Policies and Pakistani Migrant Organisations in Toronto and New York City
Working paper
Ali R. Chaudhary and Luis Eduardo Guarnizo, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 112
Unpacking the figure of the ‘foreign criminal’: Race, gender and the victim-villain binary
Working paper
Luke de Noronha, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 111
The making of the Irish Traveller Community: Mobility discourse, settlement policies and the Irish state 1950-2010
Working paper
Ina Ruckstuhl, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 109
Path-dependency in International Academic Careers
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Sorana Toma, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 108
Understanding the Aspiration to Stay: A Case Study of Young Adults in Senegal
Working paper
Kerilyn Schewel, (2015), IMI Working Paper Series, 107
New patterns of migration between Senegal and Europe
Working paper
Cris Beauchemin et al, (2014), MAFE Working Paper Series, 21
The evolution of Surinamese emigration across and beyond independence: The role of origin and destination states
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 106
African Migration: Exploring the role of development and states
Working paper
Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Hein de Haas , (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 105
Conceptualising International High-Skilled Migration
Working paper
Christopher Parsons et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 104
The Importance of Access Policies in South-South Migration: Ecuador's Policy of Open Doors as a Quasi Experiment
Working paper
Luisa Feline Freier, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 103
The role of the state in international migration: Exploring the transition from colony to independence
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 102
Financial Constraints, Social Policy and Migration: Evidence from Indonesia
Working paper
Edo Mahendra, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 101
Migration Theory: Quo Vadis?
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 100
Migrant workers and labour agency: Social actors or submissive players?
Working paper
Sónia Pereira, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 99
Trade Liberalisation and Migration Hump: NAFTA as a Quasi-Natural Experiment
Working paper
Edo Mahendra, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 98
Does Shelter Assistance reduce Poverty in Afghanistan?
Working paper
Craig Loschmann et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 97
Growing restrictiveness or changing selection? The nature and evolution of migration policies
Working paper
Hein de Haas et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 96
Fifty years of Maghreb emigration: How states shaped Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian emigration
Working paper
Katharina Natter, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 95
The effects of independence, state formation and migration policies on Guyanese migration
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 94
The influence of migration policies in Europe on return migration to Senegal
Working paper
Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 93
On the Economic Geography of International Migration
Working paper
Çağlar Özden and Christopher Parsons, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 92
Migrant Networks and Trade: The Vietnamese Boat People as a Natural Experiment
Working paper
Christopher Parsons and Pierre-Louis Vézina, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 91
International Migration, Trade and Aid: A Survey
Working paper
Christopher Parsons and L. Alan Winters, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 90
The Effect of Visa Policies on International Migration Dynamics
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Hein de Haas, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 89
Uncovering international migration flow data: Insights from the DEMIG databases
Working paper
Simona Vezzoli et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 88
Compiling and coding migration policies: Insights from the DEMIG POLICY database
Working paper
Hein de Haas et al, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 87
Belonging on the Move: The question of clan amongst Somali migrants
Working paper
Farhan Samanani, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 86
Offshore enrolment in higher education and migration: Some evidence from Australia
Working paper
Antonina Levatino, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 85
Deflection into irregularity? The (un)intended effects of restrictive asylum and visa policies
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Mogens Hobolth, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 84
Determinants of Migration between Africa and Europe: the DR-Congo case
Working paper
Marie-Laurence Flahaux et al, (2014), MAFE Working Paper Series, 23
Understanding the electoral breakthrough of Golden Dawn in Greece: A demand and supply perspective
Working paper
Roxani Roushas, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 83
Determinants of transnational political engagement among Dominican and Colombian migrants in Southern Europe
Working paper
Luis E. Guarnizo and Ali R. Chaudhary, (2014), IMI Working Paper Series, 82
A New Profile of Migrants in the Aftermath of the Recent Economic Crisis
Working paper
Cansin Arslan et al, (2014), OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, 160
Local Belonging, National Authenticity, and the Foreigner: The Encounter between Bangladeshi and Senegalese Street Hawkers and International Holidaymakers in Rome and Naples, Italy
Working paper
Phoenix Paz, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 81
Law and the credibility of migration brokers: The case of emigration dynamics in Cameroon
Working paper
Maybritt Jill Alpes , (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 80
Immigration and Extreme-Right Voting in France: A contextual analysis of the 2012 presidential elections
Working paper
Sebastien Rojon, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 79
Explaining the Rise of Diaspora Institutions
Working paper
Alan Gamlen et al, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 78
‘Mixed marriage’, citizenship and the policing of intimacy in contemporary France
Working paper
Hélène Neveu Kringelbach, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 77
Is Citizenship the Answer? Constructions of belonging and exclusion for the stateless Rohingya of Burma
Working paper
Cresa L. Pugh, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 76
A Global Assessment of Human Capital Mobility: The Role of non-OECD Destinations
Working paper
Erhan Artuç et al, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 75
How to understand the outcomes of migration policy? A study of the return agreement between Norway and Ethiopa
Working paper
Cathrine Eide, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 74
Declining migration from Morocco to the Netherlands and the diminutive causation of migration
Working paper
Godfried Engbersen et al, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 73
Quotidian creolization and diasporic echoes: Resistance and co-optation in Cape Verde and Louisiana
Working paper
Olivia Sheringham and Robin Cohen, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 72
Moving Beyond Conflict: Re-framing mobility in the African Great Lakes region
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell and Ayla Bonfiglio, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 71
Climatic Factors as Determinants of International Migration
Working paper
Michel Beine and Christopher Parsons, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 70
Pushing the creolisation paradigm on the Comorian island of Ngazidja: When does creolisation cease to be?
Working paper
Iain Walker, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 69
The Globalisation of Migration: Has the world really become more migratory?
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Hein de Haas , (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 68
Mexico–US Migration in Time: From Economic to Social Mechanisms
Working paper
Filiz Garip et al, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 67
The differential role of social networks: Strategies and routes in Brazilian migration to Portugal and the Netherlands
Working paper
Masja van Meeteren and Sonia Pereira, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 66
Designing a structure/agency approach to transnationalism
Working paper
Thomas Lacroix, (2013), IMI Working Paper Series, 65
Changing patterns of African Migration: A Comparative Analysis
Working paper
Bruno Schoumaker et al, (2013), MAFE Working Paper Series, 18
Changing patterns of Ghanaian Migration
Working paper
Djamila Schans et al, (2013), MAFE Working Paper Series, 20
Changing patterns of Congolese Migration
Working paper
Bruno Schoumaker and Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2013), MAFE Working Paper Series, 19
How social media transform migrant networks and facilitate migration
Working paper
Rianne Dekker and Godfried Engbersen, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 64
Moving from war to peace in the Zambia–Angola borderlands
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 63
Causality, Contextual Frames and International Migration: Combining Strong Structuration Theory, Critical Realism and Textual Analysis
Working paper
Rob Stones, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 62
Structuration, Practice Theory, Ethnography and Migration: Bringing it all together
Working paper
Karen O’Reilly, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 61
Re-launching migration systems
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 60
Facts and fabrications: Experiences of law and legality among return migrants in Ukraine
Working paper
Agnieszka Kubal, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 59
Conceptualizing semi-legality in migration research
Working paper
Agnieszka Kubal, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 58
Migration as cause and consequence of aspirations
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Marc Vothknecht, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 57
Labour market activity, occupational change and length of stay in the Gulf
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and María Villares Varela, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 56
Diaspora studies: Past, present and promise
Working paper
Khachig Tölölyan, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 55
The effect of networks and risk attitudes on the dynamics of migration
Working paper
Janis Umblijs, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 54
Israel and the diaspora: Problems of cognitive dissonance
Working paper
William Safran, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 53
Drivers of Migration
Working paper
Nicholas Van Hear et al, (2012), Migrating out of Poverty Working Paper Series, 01
Migration in times of uncertainty: On the role of economic prospects
Working paper
Mathias Czaika, (2012), IMI Working Paper Series, 52
Paths to viability: Transnational strategies among Ghana’s small-scale ICT entrepreneurs
Working paper
Linnet Taylor, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 51
Migration, mobility and the African city
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell and Gunvor Jónsson, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 50
Contextualizing immigrant inter-wave dynamics and the consequences for migration processes: Ukrainians in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Working paper
Agnieszka Kubal and Rianne Dekker, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 49
Migration systems, pioneers and the role of agency
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell et al, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 48
How the Dutch Government stimulated the unwanted immigration from Suriname
Working paper
Hans van Amersfoort, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 47
The role of welfare systems in affecting out-migration: The case of Central and Eastern Europe
Working paper
Lucia Kureková, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 46
The effects of structural factors in origin countries on migration: The case of Central and Eastern Europe
Working paper
Lucia Kureková, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 45
Studying international migration in the long(er) and short(er) durée: Contesting some and reconciling other disagreements between the structuration and morphogenesis approaches
Working paper
Ewa Morawska, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 44
A generic conceptual model for conducting realist qualitative research: Examples from migration studies
Working paper
Theodoros Iosifides, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 43
The positive and the negative: Assessing critical realism and social constructionism as post-positivist approaches to empirical research in the social sciences
Working paper
Justin Cruickshank, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 42
African migrants negotiate ‘home’ and ‘belonging’: Re-framing transnationalism through a diasporic landscape
Working paper
Naluwembe Binaisa, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 41
The Indian and Polish Transnational Organisational Fields
Working paper
Thomas Lacroix, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 40
Non-migrant, sedentary, immobile, or ‘left behind’? Reflections on the absence of migration
Working paper
Gunvor Jónsson, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 39
Discussing legal adaptations: Perspectives on studying migrants’ relationship with law in the host country
Working paper
Agnieszka Kubal, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 38
Internal and international migration as a response to double deprivation: Some evidence from India
Working paper
Mathias Czaika , (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 37
Migration and social fractionalization: Double relative deprivation as a behavioural link
Working paper
Mathias Czaika, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 36
The role of internal and international relative deprivation in global migration
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Hein de Haas, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 35
Leaving matters: The nature, evolution and effects of emigration policies
Working paper
Hein de Haas and Simona Vezzoli, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 34
The effectiveness of immigration policies: A conceptual review of empirical evidence
Working paper
Mathias Czaika and Hein de Haas, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 33
The determinants of international migration: Conceptualising policy, origin and destination effects
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 32
Creating and destroying diaspora strategies
Working paper
Alan Gamlen, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 31
Cultural and symbolic dimensions of the migration-development nexus The salience of community
Working paper
Gabriele Tomei, (2011), IMI Working Paper Series, 30
Sharing the dirty job on the southern front? Italian–Libyan relations on migration and their impact on the European Union
Working paper
Emanuela Paoletti and Ferruccio Pastore, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 29
Hometown Organisations and Development Practices
Working paper
Thomas Lacroix, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 28
Bonding Collective? The moral infrastructures of transnational hometown networks
Working paper
Thomas Lacroix, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 27
Blinded by security: Reflections on the hardening of migratory policies in central Sahara
Working paper
Julien Brachet, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 26
Le cadre discursif du développement: Des discours et actions politiques concrètes, aux répertoires d’action des associations de refoulés
Working paper
Anaik Pian, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 25
The discursive framework for development: From discourses and concrete political actions to the range of actions by deportee associations
Working paper
Anaik Pian, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 25
Migration transitions: A theoretical and empirical inquiry into the developmental drivers of international migration
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 24
Les migrations internationales en Afrique de l’Ouest: Une dynamique de régionalisation articulée à la mondialisation
Working paper
Mandiogou Ndiaye et al, (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 23
Returning to Dakar: The role of migration experience for professional reinsertion
Working paper
Cora Mezger and Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2010), MAFE Working Paper Series, 08
Partir, revenir : tendances et facteurs des migrations africaines intra et extra-continentales
Working paper
Marie-Laurence Flahaux et al, (2010), MAFE Working Paper Series, 07
Migration and development: Lessons from the Mexico-US and Morocco-EU experiences
Working paper
Hein de Haas and Simona Vezzoli , (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 22
The environmental factor in migration dynamics: A review of African case studies
Working paper
Gunvor Jónsson , (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 21
Tanzanian Migration Imaginaries
Working paper
Noel B. Salazar , (2010), IMI Working Paper Series, 20
International Migration Data and the Study of Super-Diversity
Working paper
Alan Gamlen, (2010), MMG Working Papers, 05
Migration System Formation and Decline: A theoretical inquiry into the self-perpetuating and self-undermining dynamics of migration processes
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 19
The Crisis and Migrants’ Remittances: A Look at Hispanics in the US
Working paper
Isabel Ruiz et al, (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 18
Intra-household tensions and conflicts of interest in migration decision making: A case study of the Todgha valley, Morocco
Working paper
Hein de Haas and Tineke Fokkema, (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 17
The Global Economic Crisis and Migration: Temporary Interruption or Structural Change?
Working paper
Stephen Castles and Simona Vezzoli, (2009), Paradigmes, 2
Incident Reporting: Experimental Data Collection Methods and Migration Governance
Working paper
Darshan Vigneswaran , (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 16
South-South Migration and Human Development: Reflections on African Experiences
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell et al, (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 15
Mobility and Human Development
Working paper
Hein de Haas et al, (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 14
The Recession and Migration: Alternative Scenarios
Working paper
Philip Martin, (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 13
The Political Economy of Migration Processes: An Agenda for Migration Research and Analysis
Working paper
Sarah Collinson, (2009), IMI Working Paper Series, 12
Insertion au marché du travail : les expériences des immigrants sénégalais à Montréal
Working paper
Maguemati Wabgou, (2008), IMI Working Paper Series, 11
Migration Aspirations and Immobility in a Malian Soninke Village
Working paper
Gunvor Jónsson , (2008), IMI Working Paper Series, 10
Migration and development: A theoretical perspective
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2008), IMI Working Paper Series, 09
Quels sens et quels usages de la notion d’éthique au sein de la géographie ?
Working paper
Marianne Blidon, Julien Brachet, Arnaud Brennetot et al., (2008), 27, 55 - 66
Keeping Them in Their Place: the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell, (2007), IMI Working Paper Series, 08
Comparing the Experience of Five Major Emigration Countries
Working paper
Stephen Castles, (2007), IMI Working Paper Series, 07
North African migration systems: evolution, transformations and development linkages
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2007), IMI Working Paper Series, 06
The meaning and use of identity papers: handheld and heartfelt nationality in the borderlands of North West Zambia
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell, (2007), IMI Working Paper Series, 05
Circular migration: the way forward in global policy?
Working paper
Steven Vertovec, (2007), IMI Working Paper Series, 04
Impact of international migration on social and economic development in Moroccan sending regions: a review of empirical literature
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2007), IMI Working Paper Series, 03
Between courting and controlling: The Moroccan state and 'its' emigrants
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2007), COMPAS Working Paper Series, 54
Turning the tide? Why 'development instead of migration' policies are bound to fail
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2006), IMI Working Paper Series, 02
Back to the future? Can Europe meet its labour needs through temporary migration?
Working paper
Stephen Castles , (2006), IMI Working Paper Series, 01
Other publications
Why Has Migration Research So Little Impact? Examining Knowledge Practices in Migration Policy Making and Migration Studies
Journal article
Katharina Natter and Natalie Welfens, (2024), International Migration Review, 58(4), 1669 - 1700
The EU’s new counter-smuggling directive proposal : persisting challenges and recommendations towards implementation
Policy briefing
Gabriella Sanchez et al, (2024), Policy Brief; 2024/01
How Migration Really Works
Hein de Haas, (2023), How Migration Really Works: A Factful Guide to the Most Divisive Issue in Politics
’I will return strong’: The role of life aspirations in refugees’ return migration
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk and Sonja Fransen, (2023), 57(4), 1739 - 1770
Mobility Control as State-Making in Civil War: Forcing Exit, Selective Return and Strategic Laissez-Faire
Journal article
Christiane Fröhlich and Lea Müller-Funk, (2023), Migration Politics, 2(1), 1 - 28
Forced migration governance in Tunisia: Balancing risks and assets for state-making during independence and democratization
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk and Katharina Natter, (2023), Mediterranean Politics, 29(5), 617 - 641
Daring to aspire: Theorising aspirations in contexts of displacement and highly constrained mobility
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk et al, (2023), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(15), 3816 - 3835
Disentangling Forced Migration Governance: Actors and Drivers along the Displacement Continuum
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk and Christiane Fröhlich, (2023), International Migration Review, 58(3), 1462 - 1488
Violence, life aspirations and displacement trajectories in civil war contexts
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk, (2023), International Migration, 61(6), 209 - 227
(Trans)formations de l’État et gouvernance des migrations forcées en Tunisie
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk and Katharina Natter, (2023), Afrique(s) en mouvement, 6(2), 31 - 41
Irregular migration in the time of counter-smuggling
Special journal issue
Gabriella Sanchez and Georgios A. Antonopoulos, (2023), Trends in Organized Crime, 26
The violent, hopeful world of children who smuggle people
Gabriella Sanchez and Cameron Thibos, (2022)
MADE Policy Brief (no. 1)
Policy briefing
MADE Research Team, (2021), 1
Trafficking as the moral filter of migration control
Book chapter
Cameron Thibos and Neil Howard, (2021), Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration, 148 - 160
Research with refugees in fragile political contexts: How ethical reflections impact methodological choices
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk, (2021), Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(2), 2308 - 2332
The migration-sustainability paradox: Transformations in mobile worlds
Journal article
Maria Franco Gavonel et al, (2021), Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 98 - 109
Welfare Considerations in Migration Decision-Making through a Life-Course Approach: A Qualitative Study of Spanish EU-Movers
Journal article
Katarzyna Andrejuk et al, (2021), Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 10(2), 93 - 110
The dynamic welfare habitus and its impact on Brazilian migration to Lisbon and Barcelona
Journal article
Dominique Jolivet and Sonia Pereira, (2021), Geoforum, 120, 58 - 66
Renewing the Migration Debate: Building disciplinary and geographical bridges to explain global migration
Research note
(2020), KNAW Compendium, 1 - 152
Everyday abuse in the global economy
Special journal issue
Joel Quirk et al, (2020), Anti-Trafficking Review, 15
Post-2008 multi-sited household practices: between Morocco, Spain and Norway
Journal article
Dominique Jolivet, (2020), International Migration, 58(1), 45 - 60
After the “migration crisis”: how Europe works to keep Africans in Africa
Liliane Mouan et al, (2020)
Migration transforms the conditions for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
W Neil Adger et al, (2019), The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(11), E440 - E442
Confronting root causes: forced labour in global supply chains
Genevieve LeBaron et al, (2018)
Visa restrictions and economic globalisation
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Eric Neumayer, (2017), Applied Geography, 84, 75 - 82
Return Migrations to Africa: Editorial
Special journal issue
Marie-Laurence Flahaux, Bruno Shoumaker, Thierry Eggerickx, (2017), Space, Populations, Societies, 1
Home, sweet home? The effect of return migration support mechanisms on reintegration
Journal article
Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2017), Space, Populations, Societies
Liberia, Ebola and the pitfalls of state-building: Reimagining domestic and diasporic public authority
Journal article
Robtel Neajai Pailey, (2017), African Affairs, 1 - 23
Examining the role of border closure and post-colonial ties in Caribbean migration
Journal article
Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Simona Vezzoli, (2017), Migration Studies, 1 - 22
Liberia’s run-up to 2017: continuity and change in a long history of electoral politics
Journal article
Robtel Neajai Pailey and David Harris, (2017), Review of African Political Economy, 1 - 14
International academic mobility across space and time: The case of Indian academics
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Sorana Toma, (2017), Population, Space and Place
The Gravity of High-Skilled Migration Policies
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Christopher R Parsons, (2017), Demography, 54, 603 - 630
From Radar Systems to Rickety Boats: Borderline Ethnography in Europe’s ‘Illegality Industry’
Book chapter
Ruben Andersson in Alice Elliot, Roger Norum and Noel B. Salazar (eds.), (2017), Methodologies of Mobility: Ethnography and Experiment
Theatre and Photography as New Contentious Repertoires of Congolese Women in the Diaspora: Towards Another Politics of Representation of Rape
Journal article
Marie Godin, (2016), African Diaspora, 9(1-2), 101 - 127
Here be dragons: Mapping an ethnography of global danger
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2016), Current Anthropology, 6
Long-term socioeconomic implications of 'crisis-induced' return migration on countries of origin
Research note
Robtel Neajai Pailey, (2016), ICMPD Report, 1 - 12
Migrants in Countries in Crisis Emerging Findings: A Comparative Study of Six Crisis Situations
Maegan Hendow et al, (2016), ICMPD Report, 1 - 79
How do post-colonial ties and migration regimes shape travel visa requirements? The case of Caribbean nationals
Journal article
Simona Vezzoli and Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2016), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1 - 23
Birthplace, bloodline and beyond: How ‘Liberian citizenship’ is currently constructed in Liberia and abroad
Journal article
Robtel Neajai Pailey, (2016), Citizenship Studies
Warum Europas Konzept der Grenzsicherung gescheitert ist: Mechanismen und Auswege
Ruben Andersson, (2016)
Times of uncertainty in Europe: migration feedback loops in four Moroccan regions
Book chapter
Dominique Jolivet in Mohammed Berriane, Hein de Haas and Katharina Natter (eds.), (2016), Revisiting Moroccan Migrations
Revisiting Moroccan Migrations
Mohammed Berriane et al, (2016), Revisiting Moroccan Migrations
The effect of visas on migration processes
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Hein de Haas, (2016), International Migration Review
'Refugee voices', new social media and politics of representation: Young Congolese in the diaspora and beyond
Journal article
Marie Godin and Giorgia Doná, (2016), Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, 32(1), 60 - 71
Irreguljär migration och Europas gränskontroller: en etnografisk analys
Ruben Andersson, (2016), Delmi, Sweden’s Migration Studies Delegation
Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Migration History Marked by Crises and Restrictions
Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Bruno Schoumaker, (2016), Migration Policy Institute
African migration: Is the continent really on the move?
Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Hein de Haas, (2016)
The role of migration policy changes in Europe for return migration to Senegal
Journal article
Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2016), International Migration Review
Women’s Resilience: Integrating Gender in the Response to Ebola
Robtel Neajai Pailey, (2016), Women’s Resilience: Integrating Gender in the Response to Ebola
Policing the Desert: The IOM in Libya Beyond War and Peace
Journal article
Julien Brachet, (2016), Antipode, 48, 272 - 292
From new helots to new diasporas: A retrospective for Robin Cohen
Nicholas Van Hear et al, (2016)
Do restrictive asylum and visa policies increase irregular migration into Europe?
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Mogens Hobolth, (2016), European Union Politics, 1 - 21
Why Europe's border security approach has failed - and how to replace it
Policy briefing
Ruben Andersson, (2016), LSE/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1 - 37
Hardwiring the frontier? The politics of security technology in Europe's 'fight against illegal migration'
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2016), Security Dialogue, 47(1), 22 - 39
Europe's failed ‘fight’ against irregular migration: ethnographic notes on a counterproductive industry
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2016), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(7), 1055 - 1075
Tracing diasporic identifications in Africa's urban landscapes: Evidence from Lusaka and Kampala
Journal article
Oliver Bakewell and Naluwembe Binaisa, (2016), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(2), 280 - 300
Thinking Migration: 10 Years of the International Migration Institute
International Migration Institute, (2016)
The impact of diasporas: Markers of identity
Special journal issue
Joanna Story and Iain Walker (eds.), (2016), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(2)
The global front against migration
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2016), Anthropology of This Century, 15
Pakistani immigrant organisational spaces in Toronto and New York City
Journal article
Ali R Chaudhary and Luis Eduardo Guarnizo, (2016), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Diaspora Humanitarianism: The Invisibility of a Third Humanitarian Domain
Book chapter
Cindy Horst et al, (2016), The New Humanitarians in International Practice: Emerging Actors and Contested Principles, 213 - 231
African migration: trends, patterns, drivers
Journal article
Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Hein de Haas, (2016), Comparative Migration Studies, 4(1)
A ‘Despicable Shambles’. Labour, property and status in Faya-Largeau, Northern Chad
Journal article
Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele, (2016), Africa, 86(1)
Refugee movements
Book chapter
Mathias Czaika, (2015), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
Exploring 12 Migration Corridors: Rationale, Methodology and Overview
Book chapter
Jørgen Carling and Dominique Jolivet in O. Bakewell, G. Engbersen, M. L. Fonseca and C. Horst (eds.), (2015), Beyond Networks: Feedback in International Migration, 18 - 46
European Policies to Attract Talent: The Crisis and Highly Skilled Migration Policy Changes
Book chapter
Mathias Czaika et al, (2015), High-Skill Migration and Recession: Gendered Perspectives
Broadcasting Migration Outcomes
Book chapter
Oliver Bakewell and Dominique Jolivet, (2015), 183 - 2014
Beyond Networks: Feedback in International Migration
Oliver Bakewell et al, (2015), Beyond Networks: Feedback in International Migration
Migration within Developing Areas: Some African perspectives on mobility
Book chapter
Oliver Bakewell and in A. Triandafyllidou (ed.), (2015), Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies
Evaluating Migration Policy Effectiveness
Book chapter
Mathias Czaika et al, (2015), Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies
Religion, Cultural Clash, and Muslim American Attitudes About Politically Motivated Violence
Journal article
Gabriel A. Acevedo and Ali R. Chaudhary, (2015), Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 54(2), 242 - 260
Times of uncertainty in Europe: migration feedback loops in four Moroccan regions
Journal article
Dominique Jolivet, (2015), The Journal of North African Studies, 20(4), 553 - 572
Malian Traders in the Senegalese Capital
Book chapter
Gunvor Jónsson in N. Sigona, A. Gamlen, G. Liberatore and H. Neveu Kringelbach (eds.), (2015), Diasporas Reimagined: Spaces, practices and belonging, 92 - 95
Scenarios as a Scholarly Methodology to Produce 'Interesting Research'
Journal article
Rafael Ramirez et al, (2015), Futures, 71, 70 - 87
Return Migration to Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo: Intention and Realization
Journal article
Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2015), Population, 70(1), 97 - 124
Racialized Incorporation: The Effects of Race and Generational Status on Self-Employment and Industry-Sector Prestige in the United States
Journal article
Ali R. Chaudhary, (2015), International Migration Review, 49(2), 318 - 354
Moroccan and Congolese Migrant Organizations in Belgium
Book chapter
Marie Godin et al, (2015), The State and the Grassroots: Immigrant Transnational Organizations in Four Continents
Fleeting Glory in a Wasteland: Wealth, Politics and Autonomy in Northern Chad
Journal article
Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele, (2015), Comparative Studies in Society and History, 57(3), 723 - 752
Unexpected Wave of Strikes in Turkish Automotive Industry
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2015), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Turkey Analyses
Revolution and Political Transition in Tunisia: A Migration Game Changer?
Research note
Katharina Natter, (2015), Migration Policy Institute
Almost Home? Morocco’s Incomplete Migration Reforms
Journal article
Katharina Natter, (2015), World Politics Review
Conceptualizing and measuring migration policy change
Journal article
de Haas, Hein et al, (2015), Comparative Migration Studies, 3(15)
Legal consciousness as a form of social remittance? Studying return migrants’ everyday practices of legality in Ukraine
Journal article
Agnieszka Kubal, (2015), Migration Studies, 3 (1), 68 - 88
The Turkish left and anti-imperialism in the 1970s
Book chapter
Emre Eren Korkmaz In Ness, I. and Cope, Z. (eds.), (2015), The Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism
Moving from War to Peace in the Zambia-Angola Borderlands
Book chapter
Oliver Bakewell in Darshan Vigneswaran and Joel Quirk (eds.), (2015), Mobility Makes States, 194 - 217
Migration, Trade and Aid: A Survey
Book chapter
Christopher R. Parsons et al, (2015), International Handbook On Migration And Economic Development
Migration Theory: Understanding Human Mobility
Hein de Haas, (2015), Migration Theory: Understanding Human Mobility
Migration and Economic Prospects
Journal article
Mathias Czaika, (2015), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41 (1), 58 - 82
Les années écroulées. Vestiges, développement et autonomie à Faya-Largeau, Tchad
Journal article
Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele, (2015), L’Homme, 2015/3 (215-216)
La olla a presión: cómo la seguridad fronteriza sigue aumentando el caos
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2015), Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 70(2)
L’envers du tourisme au Sahara Tchadien. Entre jeu politique national et indifférences locales
Journal article
Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele, (2015), Cahiers d’études africaines, 217, 107 - 131
Intervention at Risk: The Vicious Cycle of Distance and Danger in Mali and Afghanistan
Journal article
Ruben Andersson and Florian Weigand, (2015), Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 9(4), 519 - 541
Heart of a Mother: Performative Diasporic Engagements with Gender based Violence in the DR Congo
Journal article
Marie Godin, (2015), Journal of Culture and African Women Studies
Building coalitions for transnational trade union solidarity: Comparative analysis of three campaigns from Turkey
Journal article
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2015), Global Labour Journal, 6 (1), 1 - 17
Stalemate in the Armenian Genocide debate: the limits of diasporic political engagement
Book chapter
Cameron Thibos, (2015), Diasporas Reimagined: Spaces, Practices and Belonging, 207 - 210
Expert survey report on migrant integration
Cameron Thibos, (2015), INTERACT Research Report, 13
Foreword: Migration, Space and Transnational Identities
Book chapter
Robin Cohen and in Daniel Conway and Pauline Leonard (Eds.), (2014), Migration, Space and Transnational Identities: The British in South Africa,
Time and the migrant other: European border controls and the temporal economics of illegality
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2014), American Anthropologist, 116(4), 795 - 809
Labour market activity, occupational change and length of stay in the Gulf
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Maria Villares-Varela, (2014), Migration Studies, Online
Relaunching migration systems
Journal article
Oliver Bakewell, (2014), Migration Studies, 2 (3), 300 - 318
The International Migration of Doctors: Impacts and Political Implications
Research note
Yasser Moullan and Yann Bourgueil, (2014), Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé), 203
Foreward: Connected sociologies
Book chapter
Robin Cohen and in Gurminder K. Bhambra, (2014), Connected Sociologies
The Formation of Morocco's Policy Towards Irregular Migration (2000–2007): Political Rationale and Policy Processes
Journal article
Katharina Natter, (2014), International Migration, 52 (5), 15 - 28
Returnees for change? Afghan return migrants' identification with the conflict and their potential to be agents of change
Journal article
Marieke van Houte , (2014), Conflict, Security & Development, 14 (5), 565 - 591
From Europe to Africa: Return migration to Senegal and the DRC
Journal article
Marie-Laurence Flahaux et al, (2014), Population and Societies, 515
Return to Afghanistan: Migration as Reinforcement of Socio-Economic Stratification
Journal article
Marieke van Houte et al, (2014), Population, Space and Place, Early View (Online Version)
Struggles Against Subjection. Implications of Criminalization of Migration for Migrants' Everyday Lives in Europe
Journal article
Agnieszka Kubal, (2014), Crime, Law and Social Change, 62 (2), 91 - 111
Social Policy and Employment Report
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2014), The EU-Turkey Monitoring Team
Exploring the Role of Inter-Wave Dynamics in Stagnating Migration Flows. Ukrainian migration to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Journal article
Agnieszka Kubal and Rianne Dekker, (2014), Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 12 (3), 274 - 292
Why is the 'healthy immigrant effect' different between European countries?
Journal article
Yasser Moullan and Florence Jusot , (2014), European Journal of Public Health, 24 (1), 80 - 86
Illegality, Inc.: Clandestine Migration and the Business of Bordering Europe
Ruben Andersson, (2014), Illegality, Inc.: Clandestine Migration and the Business of Bordering Europe
The Globalization of Migration: Has the World Become More Migratory?
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Hein de Haas, (2014), International Migration Review, 48 (2), 283 - 323
Spousal Choice among the Children of Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in Six European Countries: Transnational Spouse or Co-ethnic Migrant?
Journal article
Sarah Carol et al, (2014), International Migration Review, 48 (2), 387 - 414
The Kurdish Diaspora: Transnational Ties, Home, and Politics of Belonging
Special journal issue
Minoo Alinia et al, (2014), Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 4(2)
Encampment and Self-settlement
Book chapter
Oliver Bakewell, (2014), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, 127 - 138
Return Migration as Failure or Success?
Journal article
Hein de Haas et al, (2014), Journal of International Migration and Integration, DOI 10.1007/s12134-014-0344-6
Temporal and Generational Impact on Identity, Home(Land) and Politics of Belonging among the Kurdish Diaspora
Journal article
Minoo Alinia and Barzoo Eliassi, (2014), Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 4(2), 73 - 81
Productions d’images sur l’Europe et aspirations migratoires des femmes en milieu rural et urbain
Conference paper
Mohammed Aderghal and Mohamed Berriane, (2014)
Mutations du modèle migratoire marocain à travers le cas de la ville de Fès
Conference paper
M’hammed Idrissi Janati and Mohamed Berriane, (2014)
Mobilization for the Rights of “Sans-Papiers”: Political Incorporation of Irregular Migrants in Morocco
Conference paper
Aysen Ustubici, (2014)
Migration de retraités européens au Maroc: Tendances, pratiques et impact
Conference paper
Ibrahima Guisse and Claudio Bolzman, (2014)
La régularisation des migrants irréguliers au Maroc: une décision historique ou un enjeu stratégique?
Conference paper
Emeline Modeste Nanga, (2014)
La migration des Français au Maroc: du désir d’ailleurs à une réalité remplie d’ambivalence
Conference paper
Catherine Therrien and Chloé Pellegrini, (2014)
Immobilité vs Immigration: Quelles réponses? Quelles approches?
Conference paper
Rachid Touhtou, (2014)
Harraga, kharba, banlieue : une approche à l’imaginaire transnational des jeunes marocains
Conference paper
Chabier Gimeno-Monterde, (2014)
Entre Droits de L’homme et Management de la Migration: La migration par le mariage, du Maroc vers l’Allemagne
Conference paper
Miriam Gutekunst, (2014)
AcAquiring a ‘voice’ through ‘exit’ How Moroccan emigrants became a driving force of political and socioeconomic change
Conference paper
Nina Sahraoui, (2014)
'Origin matters': Working conditions of Moroccans and Romanians in the greenhouses of Almería
Book chapter
Pablo Pumares and Dominique Jolivet in S. R. Sippel and J. Gertel (eds.), Seasonal workers in Mediterranean agriculture. the social costs of eating fresh, (2014)
Bangladeş Anlaşması Tekstil İşçilerinin Umudu Olabilir mi?
Journal article
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2014), Çalışma ve Toplum, 161 - 175
Morocco: Setting the Stage for Becoming a Migration Transition Country?
Research note
Hein de Haas, (2014), Migration Information Source
Migration and aspirations – are migrants trapped on a hedonic treadmill?
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Marc Vothknecht, (2014), IZA Journal of Migration, 3 (1)
Determinants of Migration to the UK
Policy briefing
Mathias Czaika and Hein de Haas, (2014), Migration Observatory Briefing
Half a Country Displaced: the Syrian Refugee and IDP Crisis
Research note
Cameron Thibos, (2014), IEMed
35 years of forced displacement in Iraq: Contextualising the ISIS threat, unpacking the movements
Policy briefing
Cameron Thibos, (2014), Migration Policy Centre Policy Brief 2014/04
What Drives Human Migration?
Hein de Haas, (2014), Migration: A COMPAS Anthology, Migration: A COMPAS Anthology
Un siècle de migrations marocaines : transformations, transitions et perspectives d’avenir
Book chapter
Hein de Haas, (2014), Marocains de l'Extérieur, 61 - 91
Temporary Workers Agencies
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2014), DİSK AR Dergisi, 74 - 83
Stuart Hall: a memoir and a tribute
Robin Cohen, (2014), Network: A newsletter of the British Sociological Association, Network, 116, 22 - 23
SDI’s 10-year Positive Peace Crusade
Robtel Neajai Pailey, (2014), Sustainable Development Institute, Monrovia, Liberia
Representations: Powers and Pitfalls
Robin Cohen, (2014), Migration: A COMPAS Anthology, Migration: A COMPAS Anthology, 73 - 75
Patriarchy, Power Distance, and Female Presidency in Liberia
Book chapter
Robtel Neajai Pailey and in Baba G. Jallow (ed.), (2014), Leadership in Post-Colonial Africa: Trends Transformed by Independence, 169 - 187
Non-migrant, Sedentary, Immobile, or “Left Behind”? Reflections on the Absence of Migration
Book chapter
Gunvor Jónsson in E. B. M. Abdalla, D. Barros, and M. Berthet (eds.), (2014), Spaces in Movement. New Perspectives on Migration in African Settings
Moving Back or Moving Forward? Return Migration, Development and Peace-Building
Journal article
Marieke van Houte and Tine Davids, (2014), New Diversities, 16 (2), 71 - 87
La situation des migrants congolais en Belgique et leurs liens avec le pays d’origine
Book chapter
Marie-Laurence Flahaux et al, (2014), Présences subsahariennes en Belgique : un état des lieux, Louvain-la-Neuve
Hunter and Prey: Patrolling Clandestine Migration in the Euro-African Borderlands
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2014), Anthropological Quarterly, 87(1), 119 - 149
Coinciding Interests: Inditex Framework Agreement
Book chapter
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2014), La Dimension Laboral de la Internacionalizacion de la Empresa Española
African migration library
A Global Assessment of Human Capital Mobility: The Role of non-OECD Destinations
Journal article
Erhan Artuc et al, (2014), World Development, 65, 6 - 26
One million Syrians in Lebanon: a milestone quickly passed
Policy briefing
Cameron Thibos, (2014), Migration Policy Centre Policy Brief 2014/03
Reconsidering social inclusion/exclusion in social theory: nine perspectives, three levels
Conference paper
Robin Cohen, (2013)
The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
Stephen Castles et al, (2013), The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, 5th Edition
Are unequal societies more migratory?
Journal article
Mathias Czaika, (2013), Comparative Migration Studies, 1 (1), 97 - 122
The Effectiveness of Immigration Policies
Journal article
Mathias Czaika and Hein De Haas, (2013), Population and Development Review, 39 (3), 487 - 508
Transnational return and pendulum migration strategies of Moroccan migrants: intra-household power inequalities, tensions and conflicts of interest
Book chapter
Hein de Haas and Tineke Fokkema, (2013), The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism, International Handbooks on Gender series, 208 - 230
Drivers and dynamics of internal and international remittances
Journal article
Mathias Czaikaa and John Spray, (2013), Journal of Development Studies, 49 (10), 1299 - 1315
Quotidian creolization and diasporic echoes: resistance and co-optation in Cape Verde and Louisiana
Conference paper
Robin Cohen, (2013)
The Six Country Immigrant Integration Comparative Study
Evelyn Ersanilli and Ruud Koopmans, (2013), WZB Discussion Paper, SP VI 2013–102
Sahel et Sahara: ni incontrôlables, ni incontrôlés
Journal article
Julien Brachet, (2013), Dossier du CERI
Migration and development: Policy lessons from the Moroccan Experience
Book chapter
Hein de Haas and Jeronimo Cortina and Enrique Ochoa-Reza (Eds.), (2013), New Perspectives on International Migration and Development
Measuring Migration Policies: Some Conceptual and Methodological Reflections
Journal article
Hein de Haas and Mathias Czaika, (2013), Migration and Citizenship, 1 (2), 40 - 47
Can Foreign Health Assistance Reduce the Medical Brain Drain?
Journal article
Yasser Moullan, (2013), Journal of Development Studies, 49 (10), 1436 - 1452
Migration and Development on the South–North Frontier: A Comparison of the Mexico–US and Morocco–EU cases
Journal article
Hein de Haas and Simona Vezzoli, (2013), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39 (7), 1041 - 1065
Returning to Dakar: A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Role of Migration Experience for Occupational Status
Journal article
Cora Leonie Mezger Kveder and Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2013), World Development, 45, 223 - 238
‘Saving the Congo’: transnational social fields and politics of home in the Congolese diaspora
Journal article
David Garbin and Marie Godin, (2013), The African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal, 6, 113 - 130
Retourner au Sénégal et en RD Congo
Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2013)
Ugandans in Britain Making ‘New’ Homes: Transnationalism, Place and Identity within Narratives of Integration
Journal article
Naluwembe Binaisa, (2013), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39 (6), 885 - 902
Les ‘crises sahéliennes’ entre perceptions locales et gestions internationales
Journal article
Vincent Bonnecase and Julien Brachet, (2013), Politique Africaine, 130, 5 - 22
Domestic work in Belgium: Crossing boundaries between informality and formality
Book chapter
Marie Godin and In Anna Triandafyllidou (ed.), (2013), Irregular Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Who Cares?
Crises et chuchotements au Sahel
Special journal issue
Vincent Bonnecase and Julien Brachet (eds.), (2013), Politique africaine, Special Issue, 130
Theory and the Study of Migration in Africa
Journal article
Oliver Bakewell and Gunvor Jónsson, (2013), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34 (5), 477 - 485
The Salience of Islands in the Articulation of Creolization and Diaspora
Journal article
Robin Cohen and Olivia Sheringham, (2013), Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, Islands, Diaspora, and Creolization, 17 (1), 6 - 17
The development potential of migration: The status quo, lessons from other regions, and implications for research
Research note
Wim Naudé et al, (2013), 04
The Contribution of African Research to Migration Theory
Special journal issue
Oliver Bakewell and Gunvor Jónsson, (2013), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34 (5), 477 - 603
Regards statistiques sur l’histoire de l’émigration internationale au Sénégal
Journal article
David Lessault and Marie-Laurence Flahaux, (2013), Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 29 (4), 59 - 88
Partir, revenir: un tableau des tendances migratoires congolaises et sénégalaises
Book chapter
Marie-Laurence Flahaux et al, (2013), Migrations africaines : le co-développement en questions
On Their Own? A Study of Independent Versus Partner-Related Migration from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Senegal
Journal article
Sorana Toma and Sophie Vause , (2013), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34 (5), 533 - 552
'Migrants' Relationship with Law in the Host Country. Exploring the Role of Legal Culture
Journal article
Agnieszka Kubal, (2013), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34(1), 55 - 72
Islands, Diaspora, and Creolization
Special journal issue
Robin Cohen and Olivia Sheringham, (2013), Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, 17 (1)
Introduction: Islands and Identities
Journal article
Robin Cohen and Olivia Sheringham, (2013), Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, Islands, Diaspora, and Creolization, 17 (1), 1 - 5
How Spanish unions support unionization in Turkey
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2013), Global Labour Column, 159
Globalisation, the Global Labour Movement and Transnational Solidarity Campaigns: Three Case Studies from Turkey
Journal article
Emre Eren Korkmaz, (2013), SEER, Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe, 1, 97 - 112
Global Sociology
Robin Cohen and Paul Kennedy, (2013), Global Sociology (third edition)
Global Migration Futures: Using scenarios to explore future migration in the Pacific
International Migration Institute and University of Waikato, (2013)
Robtel Neajai Pailey, (2013), One Moore Book
Diasporic Landscape: Theoretical Reflections on African Migrants' Everyday Practices of ‘Home’ and ‘Belonging’
Journal article
Naluwembe Binaisa, (2013), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34 (5), 553 - 568
Dakar, après le retour… Le devenir professionnel des migrants
Book chapter
Cora Mezger et al, (2013), Migrations africaines : le codéveloppement en questions
L'encadrement des retours au Sénégal : logiques politiques et logiques de migrants
Book chapter
Marie-Laurence Flahaux et al, (2013), Migrations africaines : le codéveloppement en questions
The effect of perceptions in migration aspirations: multivariate analysis
Hein de Haas and Dominique Jolivet, (2012), EUMAGINE Project Paper, 13
A game of risk: Boat migration and the business of bordering Europe
Journal article
Ruben Andersson, (2012), Anthropology Today, 28(6), 7 - 11
Exploring the Future of Migration in the Pacific: Survey Insights
Policy briefing
(2012), IMI Policy Briefing Series, 12
Global Migration Futures: Using scenarios to explore future migration in the Horn of Africa & Yemen
Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (RMMS) and International Migration Institute, (2012)
The Role of Internal and International Relative Deprivation in Global Migration
Journal article
Mathias Czaikaa and Hein de Haas, (2012), Oxford Development Studies, 40 (4), 423 - 442
Survey Report
Evelyn Ersanilli, (2012), EUMAGINE Project Paper, 7
Model(ling) citizens? Integration Policies and Value Integration of Turkish Immigrants and Their Descendants in Germany, France, and the Netherlands
Journal article
Evelyn Ersanilli, (2012), Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 10 (3), 338 - 358
Critical Approaches to Transit Migration
Special journal issue
Michael Collyer et al, (2012), Population, Space and Place, 18 (4), 407 - 481
Developing dynamic categorisations of transit migration
Journal article
Michael Collyer and Hein de Haas, (2012), Population, Space and Place, Critical Approaches to Transit Migration, 18 (4), 468 - 481
The Migration and Development Pendulum: A Critical View on Research and Policy
Journal article
Exploring the future of migration in the Horn of Africa: survey insights
Policy briefing
(2012), IMI Policy Briefing Series, 11
Arab Spring and Beyond: Human Mobility, Forced Migration and Institutional Responses
Workshop report
Ayla Bonfiglio, (2012)
Movements of People and Goods: Local Impacts and Dynamics of Migration to and through the Central Sahara
Book chapter
Julien Brachet, (2012), Saharan Frontiers: Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa