Robin Cohen
Former IMI Director
Robin Cohen is Professor Emeritus of Development Studies and Senior Research Fellow, Kellogg College, University of Oxford. He directed the International Migration Institute (2009-11) and was principal investigator on the Oxford Diasporas Programme (2011-5).
Robin Cohen is editor of the Routledge series on Global diasporas and of the Cambridge survey of world migration. His books include The new helots: migrants in the international division of labour (1987), Frontiers of identity (1994), Global diasporas: an introduction (1997, rev. 2008), Migration and its enemies (2006), and Encountering difference (co-author 2016).
Key publications
Global Sociology
Robin Cohen and Paul Kennedy, (2013), Global Sociology (third edition)
Global Diasporas: an introduction
Robin Cohen, (2008), Global Diasporas: an introduction
Migration and Culture
Robin Cohen and Gunvor Jónsson (Eds.), (2012)
The Creolization Reader: Studies in Mixed Identities and Cultures
Robin Cohen and Paola Toninato (Eds.), (2009)
Migration and its Enemies: Global Capital, Migrant Labour and the Nation-state
Robin Cohen, (2006)
Migration and Health in Southern Africa
Special journal issue
Robin Cohen (guest editor), (2006), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(4)
The Salience of Islands in the Articulation of Creolization and Diaspora
Journal article
Robin Cohen and Olivia Sheringham, (2013), Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, Islands, Diaspora, and Creolization, 17 (1), 6 - 17
Connecting culture and migration
Book chapter
Robin Cohen and Gunvor Jónsson in Robin Cohen and Gunvor Jónsson (eds.), (2011), Migration and Culture, xiii - xxxii
Cinematic representations of diaspora: Italians and Jews
Journal article
Lesley Marx and Robin Cohen, (2010), Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture, 1 (1), 5 - 23
The creolization debate: analysing mixed identities and cultures
Book chapter
Robin Cohen and Paola Toninato, (2009), The Creolization Reader: Studies in Mixed Identities and Cultures
Solid, ductile and liquid: the changing role of homeland and home in diaspora studies
Book chapter
Robin Cohen, (2009), Transnationalism: Diasporas and the Advents of a New Dis(order)
Creolization and diaspora: the cultural politics of divergence and (some) convergence
Book chapter
Robin Cohen and In Gloria Totoricagüena (ed), (2008), Opportunity Structures in Diaspora Relations: Comparisons in Contemporary Multi-level Politics of Diaspora and Transnational Identity, 85 - 112
Creolization and cultural globalization: the soft sounds of fugitive power
Journal article
Robin Cohen, (2007), Globalizations, 4(3), 369 - 384
The free movement of people: ethical debates before and after 9/11
Book chapter
Robin Cohen and In Christine Chinkin, David Downes, Conor Gearty and Paul Rock (eds.), (2007), Sociology and politics of denial: crime, social control and human rights - Essays in honour of Stanley Cohen, 211 - 225
Diasporas: changing meanings and limits of the concept
Book chapter
Robin Cohen and in William Berthomière and Christine Chivallon (eds.), (2006), Les diasporas dans le monde contemporain, 39 - 48