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Mathias Czaika and Armando Di Lillo explore the geo-spatial connectivity of anti-immigrant attitudes across Europe

Our latest IMI Working Paper Series by IMI Director and Associate Professor Mathias Czaika and former IMI Fellow Armando Di Lillo explores the timely question of the extent to which anti-immigrant hostility is spatially dependent and spread geographically across European regions. Using data gathered from seven rounds (2002-2014) of the European Social Survey (ESS), analyzed at sub-national (NUTS 2 regions) levels, the paper argues that there exists a significant spatial connectivity of anti-immigrant attitudes wherein spatially more proximate European regions share similar trends in anti-immigrant sentiments than between those of more distant regions. These findings of the spatially dependent diffusion and clustering process of anti-immigrant attitudes has significant bearing for the understanding of the rise and fall of populist movements across Europe and changing electoral support for xenophobic parties across European regions.


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