African Perspectives on Human Mobility Programme
Programme Deliverables Phase 1:
Papers focus on the migration dynamics pertaining to each country through a systematic analysis of migration literature.
Ghana paper (355KB pdf)
This report provides an account of the evolution of migration in Ghana and highlights the changing trends and dynamics that have occurred. The paper begins by providing a situational analysis of the socio-economic environment of the country and an historical context to migration in Ghana. The paper then discusses the different trajectories of migration research and highlights the changing trends and theoretical orientations in migration research in Ghana. The report also discusses the changing causes, drivers of migration and emerging issues on migration in Ghana. Key gaps and unanswered questions in Ghanaian migration research are identified and emerging areas that may be considered for future migration research such as migrant labour and the potential of the recent petro-chemical industry in Ghana for changing and accentuating migration dynamics in Ghana are highlighted. A profile of stakeholders in migration research in Ghana, as well as organizations, institutions, networks and a list of researchers on migration in Ghana are also appended.
Morocco paper (560KB pdf in French)
Democratic Republic of Congo paper (431KB pdf in French)