To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, the Refugee Studies Centre in association with the Leverhulme-funded Oxford Diasporas Programme will devote the next RSC Public Seminar Series to explore contemporary statelessness in international and national arenas.
Drawing on a range of disciplinary and institutional perspectives, invited speakers will contribute to the reconceptualisation of statelessness and assess the effectiveness of current international tools to address the plight of stateless diasporas world-wide.
The seminars will take place on Wednesdays at 4.30pm in Seminar Room 2 at the Oxford Department of International Development (3 Mansfield Road, Oxford).
The first seminar of the series on ‘Stateless diasporas and immigration and citizenship regimes’ by Dr Elena Fiddian Qasmiyeh and Dr Nando Sigona (Refugee Studies Centre) will be held on Wednesday 12 October at 4.30pm.
Refreshments will be provided after each seminar.