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Dr Korkmaz joins IMI from Istanbul Kemerburgaz University on a two-year Newton International Fellowship

IMI is delighted to welcome Dr Emre Eren Korkmaz, who will be hosted by the Department of International Development on a two-year Newton International Fellowship, awarded by the British Academy.

Dr Korkmaz is a post-doctoral researcher focusing on the public sphere of immigrant workers. He is a political scientist and in his current research project aims to understand the dynamics of representation and participation of Turkish immigrant workers at trade unions and works councils in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany.

His areas of expertise also include the labour market involvement of Syrian refugees in Turkey and he contributes to the Ethical Trading Initiative’s Turkey Program as a consultant and blogger.

Dr Korkmaz completed his PhD in international relations at Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Science. His dissertation was on the representation and participation of Turkish immigrant workers at trade unions and works councils in Germany.

He submitted his MA in Turkish Studies at Sabancı University, Istanbul comparing three transnational solidarity campaigns of trade unions from Turkey and examined the coalition building process of local and global trade unions and NGOs against transnational corporations. He discussed the role of framework agreements, corporate social responsibility policies, and code of conducts.

From 2010 to 2014, he worked as trade union officer in the textile sector in Turkey and between 2014 and 2015 he worked as a research assistant at Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Department of International Relations.