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The first issue of the journal focuses on Hospitality and hostility towards migrants: Global perspectives

Berghahn Books launches the publication of a new journal, Migration and Society

Migration is at the heart of the transformation of societies and communities and touches the lives of people across the globe. Migration and Society is a new interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal advancing debate about emergent trends in all types of migration. The journal invites work that situates migration in a wider historical and societal context, including attention to experiences and representations of migration, critical theoretical perspectives on migration, and the social, cultural, and legal embeddedness of migration. Global in its scope, the journal particularly encourage scholarship from and about the global South as well as the North.

The inaugural issue which focuses on hospitality and hostility towards migrants will be published in August 2018. They welcome theoretically and empirically informed contributions that help to develop a more nuanced understanding of the complex responses and experiences of hospitality and hostility around the world and in different historical contexts. They invite contributions that offer critical analyses of the following questions:

1.       How, and why, have different actors responded to the actual, prospective, and imagined arrival of migrants across time and space?

2.       How have migrants and refugees experienced and responded to different, and at times overlapping, processes of hospitality and hostility in sites of transit and settlement?

3.       What are the politics and the poetics of hospitality and hostility towards migrants in different spaces?

4.       As ‘new’ migrants join established diasporas and transnational communities, how have ‘locals’ and ‘established’ migrants and refugees responded to ‘newly’ displaced people?

5.       How, why, and with what effects have diverse media represented processes of migration? Who has been rendered (hyper)visible and audible, and/or invisible, inaudible, and silenced in different representations of migration?

6.       What are the historic resonances, continuities, and discontinuities of contemporary dynamics of hospitality and hostility towards migrants?

They  especially welcome articles that examine – and interrogate – the applicability of the concepts of hospitality and hostility in different settings; and that explore the relationship between these and other concepts, including cosmopolitanism, welcome, conviviality, neighbourliness, and solidarity, from the perspective of the global South as well as the North.

Migration and Society is edited by Mette Louise Berg (UCL) and Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (UCL) with Gunvor Jόnsson as one of the review editors.

Deadline for submitting articles for inclusion in issue 1: 30 September 2017.


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