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Feedback processes in migration

Migration between localities is influenced by a set of factors not limited solely to conditions posed by these two contexts – that of origin, and that of destination – but also including previous histories as well as social and cultural conditions of movement. It is important to examine a range of mechanisms by which these feedback processes operate. This enquiry takes us beyond a narrow focus on networks to include interactions such as those with the state, employers, travel agencies, educational establishments and new connections created by social media and ICT. THEMIS research is concerned with these various forms of feedback and its transmission, critically re-thinking the role of migration networks and their composition, as well as examining emerging forms of indirect feedback, and their potential contribution to the evolution of systems over time.


Examining migration dynamics conference – some reflections: An article by THEMIS team members Oliver Bakewell and Agnieszka Kubal

#THEMIS Conference 2013 – Review: Robert Westermann's review of the conference for Migration Systems

Portugal: Final conference of the THEMIS Project in Oxford THEMIS researcher Alina Esteves writes for the European Commission

Policy Feedbacks and their Influence on the Evolution of the North American Migration System

Douglas Massey (Princeton University)

Networks and beyond: feedback channels and the diminutive causation of international migration

Godfried Engbersen (Erasmus University of Rotterdam)


Hein de Haas (University of Oxford)

Selected papers

‘Do as I say, not as I do?’: Analysing the potential effects of immigrants' representations of the crisis on migration systems. Insights from a peripheral southern European country

Dora Sampaio (IGOT-UL), Rui Carvalho (IGOT-UL)

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From bridgeheads to gate closers: how migrant networks contribute to declining migration from Morocco to the Netherlands

Erik Snel, Marije Faber, Godfried Engbersen (EUR)

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“I may not be legal, but I am not a criminal”: the consequences of criminalization of migration for migrants' everyday lives in Europe

Agnieszka Kubal

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Online feedback in migration systems

Rianne Dekker (EUR), Godfried Engbersen (EUR)

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Pulling up the ladder? Migrants' choices about helping others migrate or not

Jørgen Carling (PRIO), Jennifer Wu (PRIO)

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