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A joint event held by the Oxford Martin School and IMI

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Buck-passing or burden-sharing? While international agencies, local residents and NGOs develop piecemeal responses to the increased volume of migration to Europe, most EU leaders, fearful of their electorates, seem incapable of generating a moral vision or an adequate plan for collective action.

This panel discussion, led by Oxford academics, will evaluate recent events, considering old precedents along with new answers to what has been deemed one of the most pressing migration crises in European history. This will be a unique opportunity for students and other members of the university to interact with leading researchers on migration and refugee studies.


  • Professor Ian Goldin, Director, Oxford Martin School
    Chair and opening statement
  • Professor Bridget Anderson, Professor of Migration and Citizenship and Deputy Director of COMPAS
    People power: refugee agency and ‘refugees welcome’ initiatives
  • Dr Julien Brachet , Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow, International Migration Institute
    Crisis as a permanent state: insights from trans-Saharan migrations
  • Dr Colin Bundy, Honorary Fellow and former Prinicipal, Green Templeton College
    Refugees, history, & precedents 
  • Professor Robin Cohen, Emeritus Professor and Former Director, International Migration Institute
    Limits to old solutions, new thinking allowed
  • Dr Cathryn Costello, Andrew W Mellon Associate Professor of International Human Rights and Refugee Law, Refugee Studies Centre
    New possibilities for legal recognition
  • Professor Avi Shlaim, Emeritus Fellow, St Antony's College and former Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford
    Syria and Iraq: what is to be done?
  • Dr Nick Van Hear, Senior Researcher and Deputy Director, COMPAS
    Limits to old solutions, new thinking allowed


  • Dr Oliver Bakewell, Director, International Migration Institute
  • Professor Alex Betts, Leopold Muller Professor in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Refugee Studies Centre

Registration required. Places are limited so you are advised to register early via Oxford Martin School.

Those unable to attend the event can watch the live webcast.

See event photo gallery