Occupational status attainment and intergenerational occupation mobility among Turks in Turkey and Turks in Europe
Harry Ganzeboom (VU University Amsterdam)
Tuesday, 21 October 2014, 1pm to 2pm
Seminar Room 3, ODID, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB
Hosted by International Migration Institute
About this event
This event is part of the IMI Seminar Series, Michaelmas term 2014.
This talk examines the occupational attainment and resulting intergenerational and intragenerational occupational mobility of Turks in Europe and Turks in Turkey in three generations in 1992 Turkish families, starting with ancestors who migrated or could have migrated to Western Europe in 1961-1974, and continuing with their children and grandchildren. We find that migration depresses occupational attainment in the first generation, but that 2nd and 3rd generation members recover and are not very different between Western Europe and Turkey. Intergenerational migration clearly disrupts intergenerational transfers of occupation status. This is beneficial to migrants from low status families (which predominate among migrants), but a negative outcome for – rare – migrants from higher status backgrounds.