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Data Downloads

The database and its accompanying documents are available for free download.

If you draw on information tracked in DEMIG C2C for your research, please cite the database in the following way:

  • DEMIG (2015) DEMIG C2C, version 1.2, Limited Online Edition. Oxford: International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.

© DEMIG June 2015. All rights reserved.

The DEMIG databases are protected under Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.

The database has been compiled by the DEMIG team, in particular by Simona Vezzoli and María Villares-Varela with the long-term support of Olinka Caunerova and Anaïs Resseguier.

  • DEMIG C2C General country notes and codebook: document including information of definitions used in each national dataset and coverage of year, citizens and foreigners, types of flows, collection method, etc. as well as important descriptions of codes and filtering suggestions