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Contributing to understanding transnational migration, particularly by looking at the conditions for and effects of transnational migration, possibilities for the mobility of migrants’ rights to be enhanced, and the links between migration, citizenship, and migration and development.

Dr Ali Chaudhary presents his research on the relationship between political integration and transnational politics among immigrants in Europe

The TRANSMIC research training programme (Transnational migration, citizenship and the circulation of rights and responsibilities) seeks to contribute to the understanding of the concept of transnational migration by examining how it has emerged and developed in policy and scholarly debates, and the ways in which transnational migration best be put into practice promoting a ‘rights-based mobility’.

The research aims to explore from theoretical and empirical multidisciplinary perspectives how the mobility of people meshes with the (im)mobility of rights and obligations, and how the mobility of such rights and obligations can be enhanced. It will more generally examine the links between migration, citizenship, and migration and development from European and international perspectives.

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