Contact information
Johara Berriane
Professor, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Johara Berriane is Professor of Refugee, Migration and Mobility Studies at the University of the Bundeswehr and senior researcher at the Research Center Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin. She holds a Magister Artium from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Brsg. and a PhD from the Freie Universität Berlin. She was visiting research fellow at the International Migration Institute Oxford, postdoctoral researcher at the Chaire d’études africaines comparées of Rabat (EGE) and member of the International Research Group “The Bureaucratization of African Societies” of the German Historical Institute of Paris and the Centre de recherche sur les politiques sociales in Dakar.
Johara Berriane has been mainly working on the nexus of mobility, migration and religion in African cities. She is focusing on the effects of circulations and mobility on the production of religious spaces and on the role of religious institutions (Christian and Muslim) in the identification of migrants and the governance of their movements. Her research sites are located in Morocco, Senegal and Ivory Coast.
Recent publications
L’immigration vers Fès: Le sens des nouvelles dynamiques du système migratoire euro-africain
Conference paper
Mohamed Berianne et al, (2010), Contribution of African Research to Migration Theory workshop
Les étudiants subsahariens au Maroc : des migrants parmi d’autres?
Conference paper
Johara Berriane, (2007), Understanding Migration Dynamics in the Continent Workshop