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This briefing summarises some insights gained from a survey organised by IMI's Global Migration Futures project

With approximately 83 million inhabitants as of 2010, of which more than 83 per cent live in rural areas, and only 300,000 are registered abroad as migrants, what role will Ethiopia play in migration patterns within and from the Horn of Africa over the next 20 years?

What effects will China’s increasing economic and educational investments in and diplomatic engagement with Horn countries have on infrastructure, economic growth, and migration patterns in the region?

How will peace between Sudan and South Sudan or conflict between Somalia and Kenya impact migration in the region?

These are just a few of the questions posed by over 30 migration experts and senior practitioners working within academia, civil society, governments, the private sector, the media, and international organisations in their responses to an online survey disseminated by the International Migration Institute and Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat as part of their joint project on future migration scenarios in the Horn of Africa and Yemen.

Download the full briefing summarising the survey insights

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