New FROM imi director Hein de haas
Global migration is not at an all-time high.
Climate change will not lead to mass migration.
Immigration mainly benefits the wealthy, not workers.
Border restrictions have paradoxically produced more migration.
These statements might sound counter-intuitive or just outright wrong - but the facts behind the headlines reveal a completely different story to the ones we're told about migration. In this ground-breaking and revelatory book, based on more than three decades of research, leading expert Professor Hein de Haas explodes myths espoused by both left and right that politicians, interest groups and media regularly spread about migration.
Comparing trends and perspectives from Western 'destination countries' (UK, US and Europe) as well as 'origin countries' in Asia, Africa and Latin America, de Haas equips readers with essential knowledge on migration based on the best evidence and data, showing migration not as a problem to be solved, nor as a solution to a problem, but as it really is.
What's new
Professor Stephen Castles, 1944-2022
10 August 2022
IMI Working Papers
The Implications of Welfare Generosity and Welfare Access for Migration Strategies
Working paper
Martin Guzi and Lucia Mýtna Kureková, (2025), IMI Working Paper Series, 184
Mapping Global Migration Governance
Working paper
Antoine Pécoud , (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 183
Non-Migration Policies and Mobility Decisions
Working paper
Oliver Bakewell et al, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 182
Changing the Migration Narrative: On the Power of Discourse, Propaganda and Truth Distortion
Working paper
Hein de Haas, (2024), IMI Working Paper Series, 181
Recent Publications
Why Has Migration Research So Little Impact? Examining Knowledge Practices in Migration Policy Making and Migration Studies
Journal article
Katharina Natter and Natalie Welfens, (2024), International Migration Review, 58(4), 1669 - 1700
The EU’s new counter-smuggling directive proposal : persisting challenges and recommendations towards implementation
Policy briefing
Gabriella Sanchez et al, (2024), Policy Brief; 2024/01
(Trans)formations de l’État et gouvernance des migrations forcées en Tunisie
Journal article
Lea Müller-Funk and Katharina Natter, (2023), Afrique(s) en mouvement, 6(2), 31 - 41
Irregular migration in the time of counter-smuggling
Special journal issue
Gabriella Sanchez and Georgios A. Antonopoulos, (2023), Trends in Organized Crime, 26